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bounty - reward points
bounty provides reward points for just walkinginto partner places, snapping a bill or swiping your card. Partnerplaces could be restaurants or retail stores like cloth stores,shoe stores, grocery stores, supermarkets, book stores, electronicsstores, jewelery store, beauty saloons, spa’s, furniture store andmany more. Live your life the way you want, get bounty rewardpoints for eating and shopping at bounty partner places.How to earn bounties?All you need to do is to just register and leave the rest to us.Whenever you are in our partner place, the app automaticallyrecognizes that and pops up to alert you that you are in a partnerplace. You can simply tap on the alert to collect bounties! Nexttime you want to eat out or go for shopping, walkin to a bountypartner place!Automatice check-ins currently work only in Bangalore, Hyderabad,Delhi, Chennai and Pune. If you based in any other city you canstill get bounty reward points by snapping a bill or swiping a cardat any restaurant or retail store across India.How it works?bounty app is built on machine learning and artificial intelligencebased technology that understands when you visit a partnerlocation. This ‘intelligent assist’ is based on a multitude offactors and works even if you are NOT connected to the internet –Yes, even if you are not connected to the internet you can earnrewards. Our AI bot is named as "Maya" (means magical). Itscontext-aware, hyper location-aware and will get personalized overtime.Eating and shopping offline is more rewarding with bountyapp!Please Note: bounty now works ALL OVER INDIA. You have to justswipe your card or snap a bill to get bounty rewardpoints.How do I use bountiesYou have wide range of options to redeem your bounties. You canredeem your bounties for free coupons, free vouchers, free giftsand more.* Coupons: These costs comparatively lesser bounties. The couponwill entitle you a flat or percentage discount as per informationdisplayed on the app. We have coupons from brands like Dominos,Pizza Hut, Mast Kalandar, Wangs Kitchen etc* Free Voucher or Free Gift Cards: You can redeem your bounties forFREE gift cards from various brands like flipkart, myntra,freecharge etc* Free Gifts: You can also redeem your bounties for free gifts. Youhave variety of options like free wallet, free bag, free pendrive,free memory card, free selfie stick, free books, free earphone andmoreIsn't this cool? So download bounty, start visiting bounty partnerplaces and the rewards will start pouring in. You literally getrewarded for living your life. You get bounty points for everyactivity that you enjoy be it eating, shopping, indulgence orwhatever makes you feel happy! Simply snap a bill or swipe yourcard to get bounty reward points.You can redeem your bounties for FREE GIFT CARDS of your choice.FREE GIFT CARDS include movie vouchers, shopping vouchers,lifestyle vouchers, ecommerce vouchers and more. You have toremember to just keep bounty app!If you’re interested in shaping the bounty experience andgetting early access to new features, sign up to be a beta testerdirectly at